Video #1 introduces you to Meditation Crystals – and speaking of which – our online Meditation is Jan. 19, with in person Meditation following, on Jan. 21. Video #2 is a Happy Customer video about a Fordite pendant purchased, they like ’em awesome in NYC. My Poli-Corner is now: Social Commentary.
Email with any questions.
>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. The Crystals we weave: a tapestry created for Meditation
In this video, I muse that the sun’s hitting these various stones in a way that makes them look like a colorful Stonehenge. You’ll have to attend one of our in person or online Meditations to experience how I weave the various crystals selected into a coherent Guided Journey experience.
Present were TOPAZ – already removed from the video tableau; PINK MANGANO CALCITE and RHODOCHROSITE for Body Healing & Revitalization. Then we came up some with Heart-Healing PINK OCTAHEDRAL FLUORITE; before rising into The Mind with AQUAMARINE and healing it (the mind) with LITHIUM QUARTZ. Finished with a LAVENDER CHALCEDONY for Healing and RED JASPER for Balance and Equilibrium.
See our upcoming events HERE – our online Meditation for January will be the 19th – and our in person Meditation will be the 21st.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom
Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time
ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)
- Sunday, 1/19 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)
- YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)
Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!
IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)
- Saturday, 1/21 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle
- 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
- SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
(early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)
PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:
- Tucson Gem Show (22nd St.) Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO
In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. best FORDITE ever: NYC knows how to pick ’em
First video I’ve put out in awhile. The Holidays. TikTok changed their captions processing, and I couldn’t see/forgot where/how to put the Headline in. Annoying. Oh, and because of their new captions system – I clicked back – and it erased them. So I had to start fresh, and there’s a typo! Which I never allow.
ANYHOW – none of that’s actually relevant to the CONTENT of the video – which is most important. FORDITE is an industry name given to automobile factory paint drippings – which build up in layers, based on the different colors the cars have been painted – and are then cut into cabochons for jewelry. The raw material and the artful talents of the jeweler produce an infinite variety of finished product. This was one of the best ones I’ve every seen – in terms of harmonious color and pattern spread – cut perfectly, and custom set in a pendant that appealed to this NYC buyer. I love NYC shoppers – ’cause even though they can be annoying in their own way – they’re worldly and educated, appreciate quality, and aren’t afraid to don larger / awesome big pendants.

4. Politi-Corner is now Social Commentary
As a well-rounded person – I necessarily have opinions about what’s going on in the world – which I’ll be sharing here. It’s Social Commentary – generally – rather than Political banter, per se. And I have a perspective – an angle – that I view the world from.
It’s supposed to be a Happy New Year, and yet we just had a mass casualty (terrorist!) event in New Orleans.
In just over a week, Trump will be inaugurated again, however you feel about THAT!
And those wildfires in California – are they being started (some of them) intentionally – by terrorists (again) – and what’s with the conspiracy theories making preposterous an inappropriate assumptions about who’s responsible?!
Certainly Climate Change is a thing, we saw a looong “India Summer” this Fall in New England, but now it’s been frigid. Believe me, I know, I was out in it 4 hours finalizing the prep of my pallets, which are now en route to Tucson (where I’m headed in 11 days).
Everything’s going on all at once – our personal, professional, and societal life – wish us luck!
Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…
Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.
Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays