Thanks for your interest in Crystals, and your openness to the vast offerings of FREE resources we have right HERE for you! To CrystalConcentrics’ founder Kyle Russell, sharing his knowledge and crystal lore with the world is a top priority and lasting gift to the world. When you DO purchase products and services, you are contributing to his capacity to continue sharing this legacy with other crystal enthusiasts like yourself.
Get a PDF sent to you of side-one of our extraordinary Crystal Poster (you can purchase a two-sided, card-stock, printed-copy of it, mailed to you here).
This extraordinary poster not only shows you the 10 Human/Crystal Energy Zones – by which all crystals may be categorized – but it identifies the qualities of 30 of them on the front (that you can get for free, by filling out the email form below). If you do end up getting the two-sided version, you’ll see the other side features 188 stones organized by zone as well, the bold ones highlighted are featured in our card deck.

We have over 30 in-depth articles (with tons of illustrative photos) on everything from Lemurian Quartz, Moldavite and Sugilite to the recounting of the various Meditations and Retreats Kyle’s led or participated in.
We have 9 of our Crystal Zone podcasts on iTunes and Spotify that cover everything from the supernatural experience that brought Kyle into working with crystals all the way over to the Tucson Gem show and how Kyle went viral on TikTok.
So much of Kyle’s teachings are given away without charge, in hundreds of videos on YouTube (over 8K subscribers) and Facebook, where most are categorized into helpful Playlists. You’ll also find he’s posted hundreds more to his 87K followers on TikTok, sharing philosophical views and insights into specific stones, including those he’s got For Sale.
@CrystalConcentrics Follower count, as of Summer 2021
TikTok: 105,200 · Facebook: 21,000 · YouTube: 8,800 Subscribers · Instagram: 3,200
To see what Crystal Concentrics is offering For Sale, please visit our Shop.