Thank you! Last night’s Meditation was soul-healing for me, it truly was.

Denise G.


SUNDAY, October 20th, 2024 at 7-7:40pm (Eastern Time)

Our online Crystal Meditation is for you if:

  • you like to meditate, but it’s hard to get motivated to do it on your own
  • you’ve never really meditated, but would like to learn how
  • you love crystals, but aren’t sure how to work with them
  • you have a lot of crystals and are open to experiencing them in new ways
  • you’re an experienced meditator, but would like someone else to guide you into relaxation

I felt that I was in a very safe place. Listening to his guided meditation created a quiet and peaceful place for me.

Lisa M.


Benefits of participating in these Meditations?

  • give your busy mind a rest
  • de-stress and relax
  • regenerate your energy
  • learn about different crystals
  • experience a variety of healing journeys

His Meditation was powerful and healing.

Rebecca C.


What’s the cost?

The cost is currently $14 to experience the live “channeling” of this Meditation with 35-year veteran Crystal Guide Kyle Russell. And don’t worry – if you’re late, have a schedule conflict, or “something comes up” – you’ll get Replay access upon request. We are also working on a selection of pay-to-view Meditations and other video and educational programming you can purchase through our site.

In case we haven’t met:

I’m Kyle Russell, Crystal Guide, I’ve shared the healing power of crystals for over 3 decades!

My credentials?


  • innovated the 10 Energy Zone crystal classification system
  • created the Crystal Concentrics Meditation and Affirmation Card Deck
  • hosted of the Crystal Zone Podcast + popular YouTube channel: Crystal Concentrics
  • led hundreds of classes, meditations, and workshops (including online)
  • owned 3 stores, most recently the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA (metro-Boston)
  • spoken and presented at prominent metaphysical expos and gem shows

Do you need to buy or have on hand crystals for these meditations?

There is no need to have or purchase any crystals for these meditations.

All you need is an internet connection (on your phone or laptop) and an open mind!

Kyle’s passion and knowledge regarding the crystals and their properties was very evident.

He facilitated a safe and loving environment, in which all of us felt comfortable.

Audrey T.

How does it work, what will we be doing?

  • once you sign up, you’ll be emailed a single URL to click and attend
  • if you’re busy or something comes up, you can easily get the Replay link
  • we socialize a bit (5 minutes) to make sure eveyone’s present (audio & video sharing is optional)
  • Kyle mutes everyone and closes the meeting for privacy (which means late comers will have to wait for the Replay)
  • you are guided in meditation for about half an hour, first grounding into the body, then working with 2-3 stones
  • after your guided journey, Kyle brings you back into your body, and gently completes the meditation
  • the solo recording of Kyle’s meditation is stopped, and if you would like, you’re welcomed to share some of your experiences

I really enjoyed your meditation class. It was exactly what I needed.
