TONIGHT we’re hosting an Online Crystal Meditation, please join us! Our in-person Meditation is Tuesday. Video #1 shows you one of the many Vendor Spotlights I filmed at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St while Video #2 lets you in on what it’s like when I have a Bad Customer Day. And lastly, me peering out at The World, from a new vantage point.
Email with any questions.
>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Collective Journey: an international Artists’ Collaborative
Fascinating individual & project, highlighting mostly Native American artists across Latin America. Email, and I can connect you with them. This is the first (featured here) in a series of highlighted vendor spotlights I conducted at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd Street for Hart Events USA, who puts on that show, as well as shows in Denver and New Jersey.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom
Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time
ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)
- Sunday, 2/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)
- YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)
Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!
IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)
- Tuesday, 2/25 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle
- 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
- SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
(early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)
PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:
- Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo Mar 7-9 INFO
In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Vendor Rant: Bad Customer Day in Tucson!
Believe it or not – the Customer is NOT always right – and vendors should be allowed to rant sometimes about what doesn’t work for them at shows. Some Comments on this video were like “boomer” (which is beside the point); “then why did you get into this business;” or “why can’t you just be grateful for what you have” / “why is it their fault they don’t have money to spend.” So I’ve heard it all – AND, I have a perfectly positive attitude 90% of the time – but when all these things happen in one day, it’s a lot to handle. Specifically, I’m talking about the grind of small sales, drips and drabs in tiny amounts, when you have multi-hundreds & thousand dollar items just sitting there (getting no attention). Finding that an item has been stolen is really depressing ’cause you go to the trouble of bringing something all this distance – you trust the public to be around it – and they take advantage of your kindness. Speaking of which – my biggest, recurrent pet peeve – is when people who say “just looking” while doing anything BUT (pawing virtually everything they can get their hands on). One family came in – kids were playing with my 3D dragons, in spite of the several signs saying “Touch to Buy” etc. – when the mom grabs a $450 Calcite heart and models inappropriate touching to her children (or grand children). I lost it and came out – asking for it so I could put it down – she wouldn’t let it go (till she herself could put it down). I was like “so many of these items are fragile – if they drop even 2 inches – they could crack.” I added “and then you’ll walk away while I’m stuck with broken merchandise” (which was admittedly snarky). To which she stormed off and said “fuck you” kind of under her breath. I had ruined a beautiful moment of discovery. I have nothing against joyful enthusiasm – but not when it disrespects some of my basic rules and expectations – most of which are already written down all over the booth. Sigh. At least this video got nearly 8000 views in the first few days after posting – on TikTok – a small reward for my troubles. Oh, and lastly, unfair bargaining. An item’s already marked half off, and people come to you saying: “what’s the best you can do for me?” – “what’s MY price” (as if) – OR something’s $28 and they want it for $20 – so you say “how about $22”: I lose 5 and they give me just 2 more (plus I eat the tax, if I’m charging it). But no. It’s like they can’t meet you even more than halfway! Email to discuss further. I’ve added a few fresh ideas to the list above, beyond what I brought up in the video itself, so I want to jot down a few more in anticipation of a future blog or podcast. – when people ask “did you make all this stuff?” – where did you get all this stuff? – what are these made of (when there’s a sign that says “3D printed” right there).

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)
It’s great to be home – making up for lost time with family – and getting back into the rhythm of Boston, and my upcoming show(s). It’s actually hard to be sitting so much. I’m used to standing all day, which is oddly healthier.
Focusing back on the outside world – aghast at the return of the Bibas family hostage bodies this week – but then again: believe people right up front, as to who they are when they show you. As the terrorists have, repeatedly. It’s good to have a long – and accurate view – of history. Because certain narratives hold up – bearing more connection to the facts – than others’ fictions. And yet, here in the US, differing world views are wreaking havoc on our own country. Not having a common understanding or world view is threatening to our society.
Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…
Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.
Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays