Amethyst (pink) Quartz open geode w good crystallization, healing crystal


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Although they call this material Pink Amethyst – it might better be called Pink or even Rose Quartz – the crystallization doesn’t even look like Amethyst. That being said, they do call it this, so we sort of have to as well. These specimens are pretty much all geodes that have to be split open, so they – and this is no exception – have cracks, but it’s totally intact now, and such a great specimen we had to share it with you. This one has a little (maybe double terminated) Calcite in it, you can see it peering out in the upper left. The color and crystallization make this a perfect example of this type. Energetically, it’s akin to Mangano Calcite and Pink Fluorite, having to do with Healing on the Heart and Soul level. Length: 6.4cm; Width: 4.1cm; Height: 3.3cm; Depth: 6.4cm Weight: 48.8g (1.72oz) Origin: Latin America, Argentina