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Looking to Buy Crystals
Crystals Shop feel free to browse our dedicated sales site PowerStoneCrystals.com where we have a subset of our entire stock Searchable by type, shape, and even color! We’re innovating this section to feature Searchable Qualities and Energies. Many new pieces appear first on our Facebook page of the same name (PowerStoneCrystals), click through to Like that. If you’re in New England, be sure to visit our Arlington, MA Showroom (the Portal Crystal Gallery) now Open 7 days a week at 489 Massachusetts Avenue (from 12-6pm…check the site for any changes in schedule), or by private appointment. We’re only able to post a fraction of what we actually have in stock – and we’re always buying new material – so it’s best to reach out personally, to place custom orders, and find out more about what’s available. Contact us here. We can search through our extensive stock, and find a selection to share photos and/or videos of, as we work together to find your ultimate Crystal selection! Find us on eBay and Etsy.
Learn More About Crystals
Crystal Concentrics Blog.on CrystalConcentrics.com – we tackle topics from “What is Crystal Healing” and “Meditation,” to “Pricing” and “Prayer” – here’s where a lot of the paradigm Crystal Concentrics Language of Crystals is explained. Open access video library It has a wealth of information – from our Crystal Superlatives (Top 5 and 10’s) to Crystal variety tours – and teasers for some of our on-demand instructional videos. Currently, we offer free informational Webinars (online) and Call-ins (by phone) monthly, learn about what we have on the schedule in our Calendar section.

Looking To Work One-On-One
Whether you’re looking for a Crystal Reading – live or in person – or you’d like to book some individual sessions, click through to our One-on-One page. This is the Heart of our Practice. If you’re not much for words read no further suffice it to say: crystal sessions are enlightening, grounding, relaxing, refreshing, and more. PHILOSOPHY We all begin with ourselves our state of being is key. When we’re healthy, in Mind & Body, we overflow with life energy. We may lack perspective, or want to more fully savor and appreciate our good fortune. I can help with that. Wherever you’re at, I can take you higher, deeper, and further on your journey. If you’re like me, you’re unable to scratch your own back (or think outside the box sometimes). When lost (unfocused) or unwell, we are ungrounded, susceptible to unwanted energies from within and outside of us this way, dis-ease and disease are welcomed to the body and mind. Stress is ever present in our modern world. There’s the process of dis-integration that begins almost from birth, or certainly after we reach maturity. Old age seeks to take away from us all the strength and joy we’d known in our prime. Even young adults (and children!) can be waylaid by mental or spiritual distraction. We’re not islands, and especially when it comes to healing work, we rely on the input of energy from others (persons, objects even substances) and it can be okay for us to count on those influencers to help shape, or make sense of our destiny. Sooner or later, there will come times when an infusion of fresh Spiritual energy, a safe space to regenerate (relax!), or to explore themes and challenges we all face is a welcome breath of fresh air. I would like to be that for you! WHAT TO EXPECT Crystal Concentric sessions can touch any or all of the above, minus the ingestion of substances. I actually believe in diet being a major source of our illness or wellness. Spirit Work, as I call it begins with a discussion of your presenting situation, understanding and hopes (often cross-legged, sitting up, maybe on a chair or backjack). Then a Meditation and/or Layout is put together with specific stones. Most often lying down (face up) a sacred space is created where you can feel unthreatened, and immune to the usual pressures of life. Burning Sage (or a candle) is used (if it’s allowed, or safe); basic hand drumming (by the practitioner) may be called for along with other gentle noise makers to clear the space and prepare for new energies. Our exploration of your internal world leads you through a journey towards greater understanding and fulfillment of your expressed (or as-yet un-accessed) life intention(s) those which your Spirit Guides (within and/or outside of you) have in store for that special person called you. A progression happens often holding pairs of similar, hand-held crystals that moves you from one place to another towards greater grounding, love, and energy whichever direction makes sense at the time. There is an internal logic to the session, a destination or process, and a resolution. It is a partnership though not something done TO you but WITH your full cooperation and involvement. Ideally, you leave the session (lasting 30-90 minutes) renewed, having learned realized (or experienced) something that will aid you on the path, wherever that may ultimately take you. Often, multiple sessions are recommended (at least 2-3). It’s up to you. But always, when you remember your session, realize that it’s a resource that you can draw for. If not scheduled in person (or remotely), through your own memory and creativity our work together can be a lasting hit or inspiration something you can build on as well. Our healing power lies within the trick to successful treatment is teamwork in bringing it out. Book a session, in person or maybe by phone distance is not necessarily a problem by simply emailing CrystalConcentrics@gmail.com. Group trainings are possible (in any location) for interested parties (including individuals) as well as Healing Centers, or Organizations who’d like to host events dedicated to Crystal Healing and Energy Work. Of course I do offer group events at my Showroom/Space in Arlington Center but this page is devoted to helping those considering hiring me so please review some sample presentations I offer (and we can flesh out details & alternate directions, if you like): SLIDE SHOWS Classification & Appreciation of the Mineral World through a guided Pinterest tour The Stone Legacy of Great Civilizations (Machu Picchu & Italy) & Natural Wonders (the Galapagos Islands, formed from under the earth, in stone) What is Crystal Healing? (any number of topics could be covered) CRYSTAL HEALING INSTRUCTION Guided Meditation Sessions (from 30-120 minutes) Crystals Demystified explains the Language of Crystals Wonders of Quartz explores the entire Chakra System with Quartz only The Crystal Heart all about the primary Heart Chakra stones the list goes on, lots of curriculum possible! Be in touch (email: Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com), so we can discuss what might work best for you and yours PHILOSOPHY Think not in terms of what will this cost me, but rather, what is it I’m trying to do with this opportunity, and where would I like to be, coming out of this experience. You can’t know, necessarily, what the outcome of our work together will be. But you can be sure that I will be specifically attuned to you and your Spirit for the duration of our work together. There is no laying on of hands, but it’s absolutely a hands-on process, not passive at all though if you are incapacitated (or we are working long distance, or with someone whos passed on) progress can still be made in most circumstances. Our biggest challenges are Defensiveness, Resistance, and Obstacles to Wellness. My goal is to accelerate (or jump-start) the process of your own personal development or whatever Spiritual movement (energy-shift) we are trying to effect wherever that takes us. It’s not random or whimsical, it’s very practical, and related to the underlying experience and missions of your Soul in this Life. That has implications for your Relationships (including to Self), Work, and Life Satisfaction. Please keep in mind, as you consider my rates, that I have rental expenses of my own; communication & transportation costs the usual business overhead. Plus, there’s the considerable amount I have invested in the Crystals themselves not just what I’ve outlaid on For-Sale pieces but also the substantial collection of For-Use-With-Clients and in-group-learning-tools for Meditations & Workshop pieces. Think museum quality but from a Metaphysical perspective and you have to get to touch them (instead of having them behind glass). Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, there’s my own experience & expertise (with people and the stones), which is important to honor as we work towards our common goals for you. DIFFERENCES & BENEFITS This work is not like Acupuncture though of course practitioners vary in style where I might place needles in you and then leave you alone in a room for an hour (though I know that can have its benefits). I am engaged with you the whole time whether on a short or long session which is a very social and connecting. Theoretically, I could prescribe certain stones tell you to go buy them (as I’ve often heard some advisers do) or leave you with them, to absorb what they have to give you. Instead, our back-and-forth engagement including an ongoing inquiry into how you’re feeling and what you’re grappling with is more satisfying. In general, my approach is quite different from what you may have read in what I call the existing Crystal lore (see my Crystal Myths, Divergence of Vision: A Challenge to the Existing Crystal Lore webinar). I have my own philosophies but there is an internal logic that, once you learn it will be easy to apply immediately to your own life. Everything we do will be intuitive and make sense, so you don’t have to worry about any disconnect between what we’re doing and what we’re working on. You might find it helpful in general to review the Benefits of this type of work.