Sold as blue quartz, it’s really blue green, or olive drab in color – but still a spectacular formation – and nice all around (with a semi-clear/smoky core). Width is across, at the widest point; and Depth is the diameter across the bottom of the base. Known as Prase Quartz, sometimes called Hedenburgite-in-Quartz. Some think it’s Actinolite coloring it, the sources online don’t always agree. HOWEVER, whatever it is that colors this (it’s not just an inclusion like Chlorite, or a coating), it alters the crystallization in unique and wonderful ways. Sourcing is from the teens (circa 2010) in Inner Mongolia, we’ve heard more specifically, from the Huanggang Deposit. There isn’t more being discovered, and while Chinese Prase Quartz (the type originally being made famous from the Serifos, Greece variety) shows up in several different crystal forming habits, this being one of them. Length: 11.4cm; Width: 3.6cm; Depth: 2.5cm Weight: 157.9g (5.57oz) Origin: Asia, China