Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

Join me TONIGHT at THIS Sunday’s Online Meditation AND at the New Life Expo in NYC (scroll down for details). Video #1 is a deep dive into my Sugilite rough offerings. Video #2 is an interesting exploration into the wonder that is Carborundum aka Silicon Carbide. And lastly, my personal World View, and perspective.

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Rough Sugilite specimens: including ‘the water treatment’!

Review of my larger (and later in the video, smaller) Sugilite rough specimens – including the “water treatment” – whereby we show off how brilliant they would be with polishing. Great Sugilite shows its color automatically, with bright or sunlight revealing it’s natural “photosynergistic” (ie. more light = more color) qualities. Email with purchasing interest interest. We do have a great selection of Sugilite on our website. Here’s the link to our Sugilites there. But most of our inventory is OFFline. So it’s best to write us to explore the possibilities.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 4/6 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 4/8 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

  • NYC New Life Expo at the Hotel New. Yorker March 29-30 INFO

In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Carborundum: about as tough as a Diamond!

9.5 on the Mohs scale, and Diamond is at 10! Two months later – I just unwrapped the 2 of these Carborundums (aka Silicon Carbide) I got from this selection in Tucson – they’re more beautiful than I remembered. The timing was good for me to find this unpublished draft and bring it to you now. Email with interest. They were more expensive than I wanted them to be, but I hope they’ll turn out to have been a good investments. Definitely for those who like the gnarly. And I hear techies appreciated it, because they’re familiar with (and appreciate) its capabilities – both in stone cutting/polishing – and apparently it is increasingly used in electronics, specifically in power electronics, due to its ability to operate at high temperatures and voltages, leading to more efficient and compact devices, especially in applications like electric vehicles and solar energy.

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

Spring is here – and it feels pretty good – knowing we won’t have any snow storms! My 2nd show of this month (the New Life Expo) is in the heart of NYC at the New Yorker hotel, this coming weekend. I hope my NY/NJ friends and fans come out. 

 The world? So many wasted efforts and resources. Let’s focus on the Earth‘s Regenerative Power and let it invigorate and restore us. May we be healed, and the may the captives be released!

Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…I repost videos from creators who are more eloquent than I…and hopefully you’ll hear them in spite of the algorithm prefering to bury such content.

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

Connect with us!


TEXT / WhatsApp
(617) 771-5119

Social Media

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

Crystal Videos: Bracelets and Meditation Stones

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

Join me at THIS Tuesday’s in-person Meditation AND at the New Life Expo in NYC (scroll down for details). Video #1 is a 12-minute review of ALL my wonderful BRACELETS. Video #2 is a survey of various power stones we used in last month’s in-person Meditation. And lastly, my personal World View, and perspective.

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Nearly 100 Bracelets: be introduced to each one!

I’m amazed at how much my bracelet selection has grown over just the past year – there’s a LOT to choose from – I wear 4 of these myself at all times (shower with then and all). If you see any you like, I hope you’ll Reply or email to get one (or some!). I had one person in Tucson buy over a dozen! We always have most of these available at the Portal Crystal Gallery, and each type ought to be available for Mail Order.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 3/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 3/18 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

  • NYC New Life Expo at the Hotel New. Yorker March 29-30 INFO

In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Crystal Meditation Stones: who’s invited to the party…

I’m amazed by how few people take advantage of this extraordinary Service Offering. I carve out 1 night a month (each) – which is not easy – for my in-person & online Meditations (sign up here). No two are the same, and we bring to bear world class Healing Crystals. Curious? Email with interest.

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

I’m enjoying a bit of a lull between shows – organizing and preparing – now shows ahead (which is good). I’m balancing new product with old, trying to move certain items out and lighten the load. Still, I’m swimming in product – that if I can just showcase “correctly” – will produce the Sales I need. I’m trying to find a new approach to selling online, with my Curated Crystal Sales – it’s not selling live, per se – but it’s taking you through a real-time process of viewing certain items and understanding the meaning and selection better, which will hopefully entice people to purchase.

As a spiritually Inclined person – I’d actually love to spend more time in religious pursuits – but surviving and keeping track of developments in the dumpster fire that is our planet is exhausting. In fact – we should be focused on caring about people, and the earth itself – but we’re getting distracted into war by people who relish it. Mad at Trump for bombing Yemen? Have you asked why that’s even on the table? Do you see who’s on the other end of this conflict, and what their priorities, goals and ambitions are? They’re not Peace & Prosperity. So alas, this is where we find ourselves.

Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

Connect with us!


TEXT / WhatsApp
(617) 771-5119

Social Media

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

14k Gold Moldavite Sale and NJ/NY shows

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

See me THIS weekend in NJ at the Heart of Onenesss Expo AND, at the New Life Expo in NYC. Video #1 shows you (in 1-minute) my 10-hour setup process. Video #2 is my new Podcast / Curated Crystal Sale event highlighting Gold Moldavite & other pendants I’m having a bit of a fire sale on.
And lastly, my World View, of course according to me.

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Zero to 60: how I build a show, over 10 hours, in a day!

It was actually a tough day – for so many reasons – logistical delays and complications. But I did it. And opened to the public – so actually, while I was there 10 hours – most of the setup was done after 7. Anyhow, making sales right after setup is certainly rewarding, and puts a smile back on my face. NJ Heart of Oneness Expo SHOW INFO.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 3/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 3/18 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

  • Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo March 7-9 INFO
  • NYC New Life Expo at the Hotel New. Yorker March 29-30 INFO

In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Gold has got to Go: stunning pieces at or below cost…

This is a new hybrid Curated Crystal Sale concept. I show you 14k gold items online AND in my hands, that are special and specially priced. My supplier needs the gold, and I could certainly lighten my inventory load. Would just rather sell these pieces complete, as the stones are a beautiful match for their settings. Email with interest.

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

Doing a show can be intense and stressful – due to time pressure – physical labor, etc. But curve balls, like not being able to get in when I’d planned to – having to pay more for electricity (when I thought it was included) – and then having to totally rewire my booth 15 minutes before opening to the public…that’s “extra.”

The honeymoon in Syria is over – and the massacres resume – but nobody’s gonna protest it here in the US because: hypocrisy. And yet – after years of allowing racist intimidation and the glorification of terrorism – it seems it’s not “freedom of speech” after all, and agitators will start facing consequences. Refreshing.

Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

Connect with us!


TEXT / WhatsApp
(617) 771-5119

Social Media

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

Crystal Videos: NJ/NY show(s), Display Pieces, Before and After

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

See me in NJ at the Heart of Onenesss Expo next weekend. AND, I just booked in to be at the New Life Expo in NYC. Video #1 shows you some highlights of my bristling Display Piece selection at the start of the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St while Video #2 follows the same path to reveal new acquisitions and the fact that some great pieces were sold.
And lastly, my World View, of course according to me.

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Display Pieces: I get to really shine at the Tucson Gem Show

Early in the show – you’ll see a number of special pieces I brought to 22nd St. – several sold: the blue Calcite, the Hemimorphite, the Rose Quartz ball, the “calamari” rotating Amethyst cluster.

This is why I love Tucson – people appreciate serious pieces – and they’re not afraid to throw down for them.

My years of experience helps me pick outstanding winners. Can I pick one for you?!

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 3/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 3/19 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

  • Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo March 7-9 INFO
  • NYC New Life Expo at the Hotel New. Yorker March 29-30 INFO

In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Last Days: changing repertoire of Display Pieces in Tucson!

After 18 days of selling – some key pieces I had earlier were SOLD – so here’s my last review of the whole side of my booth devoted to Display Pieces, featuring a number of new ones acquired during the show from fellow vendors. Email with interest.

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

And it starts all over again: the show cycle after Tucson, which is a great way to kick off the New Year. I love being in the Sales Process in a big way, during a time when the weather’s awful in Boston. But now NJ & NY are looking forward to receiving me this coming weekend, and the last Sat/Sun of March. I’ve gotten some new stock in the mail, and my pallets from AZ get delivered Monday. I hit the road Thursday, so my schedule is all very stacked & dovetailed.

As for the world – it continues to turn – or something! I think I might start featuring videos from creators I respect here, for your contemplation. For example, watch self-professed left-leaning JudeanCEO speak on Trump – and that even if you’re a fan – that can’t mean that everything he says (or does) is on point. To the contrary, you have to discern what matters from the noise. And this video was made before the dumpster fire meeting with Zelensky! Bottom line – if you think Western Values are worth preserving, and you stand with Israel – then you should also stand with Ukraine (warts and all). Because the alternatives – in both cases – are Chaos and Doom.

Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

Connect with us!


TEXT / WhatsApp
(617) 771-5119

Social Media

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

Crystal Videos: Vendor Rant & Spotlight

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

TONIGHT we’re hosting an Online Crystal Meditation, please join us! Our in-person Meditation is Tuesday. Video #1 shows you one of the many Vendor Spotlights I filmed at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St while Video #2 lets you in on what it’s like when I have a Bad Customer Day. And lastly, me peering out at The World, from a new vantage point.

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Collective Journey: an international Artists’ Collaborative

Fascinating individual & project, highlighting mostly Native American artists across Latin America. Email, and I can connect you with them. This is the first (featured here) in a series of highlighted vendor spotlights I conducted at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd Street for Hart Events USA, who puts on that show, as well as shows in Denver and New Jersey.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 2/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 2/25 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

  • Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo Mar 7-9 INFO

In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Vendor Rant: Bad Customer Day in Tucson!

Believe it or not – the Customer is NOT always right – and vendors should be allowed to rant sometimes about what doesn’t work for them at shows. Some Comments on this video were like “boomer” (which is beside the point); “then why did you get into this business;” or “why can’t you just be grateful for what you have” / “why is it their fault they don’t have money to spend.” So I’ve heard it all – AND, I have a perfectly positive attitude 90% of the time – but when all these things happen in one day, it’s a lot to handle. Specifically, I’m talking about the grind of small sales, drips and drabs in tiny amounts, when you have multi-hundreds & thousand dollar items just sitting there (getting no attention). Finding that an item has been stolen is really depressing ’cause you go to the trouble of bringing something all this distance – you trust the public to be around it – and they take advantage of your kindness. Speaking of which – my biggest, recurrent pet peeve – is when people who say “just looking” while doing anything BUT (pawing virtually everything they can get their hands on). One family came in – kids were playing with my 3D dragons, in spite of the several signs saying “Touch to Buy” etc. – when the mom grabs a $450 Calcite heart and models inappropriate touching to her children (or grand children). I lost it and came out – asking for it so I could put it down – she wouldn’t let it go (till she herself could put it down). I was like “so many of these items are fragile – if they drop even 2 inches – they could crack.” I added “and then you’ll walk away while I’m stuck with broken merchandise” (which was admittedly snarky). To which she stormed off and said “fuck you” kind of under her breath. I had ruined a beautiful moment of discovery. I have nothing against joyful enthusiasm – but not when it disrespects some of my basic rules and expectations – most of which are already written down all over the booth. Sigh. At least this video got nearly 8000 views in the first few days after posting – on TikTok – a small reward for my troubles. Oh, and lastly, unfair bargaining. An item’s already marked half off, and people come to you saying: “what’s the best you can do for me?” – “what’s MY price” (as if) – OR something’s $28 and they want it for $20 – so you say “how about $22”: I lose 5 and they give me just 2 more (plus I eat the tax, if I’m charging it). But no. It’s like they can’t meet you even more than halfway! Email to discuss further. I’ve added a few fresh ideas to the list above, beyond what I brought up in the video itself, so I want to jot down a few more in anticipation of a future blog or podcast. – when people ask “did you make all this stuff?” – where did you get all this stuff? – what are these made of (when there’s a sign that says “3D printed” right there).

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

It’s great to be home – making up for lost time with family – and getting back into the rhythm of Boston, and my upcoming show(s). It’s actually hard to be sitting so much. I’m used to standing all day, which is oddly healthier. 

Focusing back on the outside world – aghast at the return of the Bibas family hostage bodies this week – but then again: believe people right up front, as to who they are when they show you. As the terrorists have, repeatedly. It’s good to have a long – and accurate view – of history. Because certain narratives hold up – bearing more connection to the facts – than others’ fictions. And yet, here in the US, differing world views are wreaking havoc on our own country. Not having a common understanding or world view is threatening to our society.

Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

Connect with us!


TEXT / WhatsApp
(617) 771-5119

Social Media

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

Crystal Videos: from Tucson, with Love – Valentines Edition

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

Video #1 shows you my MANY Heart Pendants at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St while Video #2 shows off our Heart Display Pieces.
And lastly, where my head is at, on this LAST day of the Tucson Gem Show.

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Crystal Heart Pendants: Tucson wearable hearts

Get a look at what I chose to bring for Crystal Heart Pendants to the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St. (open to the public thru TODAY Sunday, Feb. 16). Reply or email, with interest in these or other pendants.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 2/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 2/25 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

  • Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St. Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO
  • Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo Mar 7-9 INFO

In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Crystal Heart Display Pieces: from my booth in Tucson!

Inspired by my wife – we will have been together 30 years in October – she loves hearts. I do too! And it shows, from these awesome display pieces, brought to the Tucson Gem Show this year. Many are still available, write me!

HERE is my YouTube PODCAST playlist, for you to check out all the other ones. I cover SO many topics. We’re also on Spotify, Apple, etc.

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

Tomorrow is the last day of the Tucson Gem Show – doing it for 18 eight-hour days, solo in the booth – has been both exhausting and fulfilling. I love to sell (and buy!) – and it feels good to have what people are looking for – from smaller to larger items. It’s the culmination of all the other shows I do – more people – more money (in spite of the high overhead). I’ve been wondering right through today if I should come back next year, but it seems that yes, I ought to.

Hard to hear about or focus on the outside world, with these 10 hour days, I’ll have more time of that when I’m back in Boston.

Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

Connect with us!


TEXT / WhatsApp
(617) 771-5119

Social Media

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

Crystal Videos: Selling YOUR Crystals podcast, Tucson Top Shelf offerings

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

Video #1 shows you my Top Shelf Sugilite selection at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St while Video #2 is my latest Podcast all about Selling YOUR Crystals. And lastly, some Perspective fleshing out my personal experience!

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. Just the Top Shelf: Tucson tower display case

Get a look at what I chose to feature on the Top Shelf of my vertical display case at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St. (open to the public thru Sunday, Feb. 16).

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 2/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 2/25 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

  • Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St. Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO
  • Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo Mar 7-9 INFO

In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

3. Selling YOUR Crystals: my latest Podcast

As a Vendor for Decades and fielding private sellers’ inquiries about what their collections are worth, Kyle Russell of Crystal Concentrics encapsulates his thoughts on various topics, including his own extensive investment in crystals.

HERE is my YouTube PODCAST playlist, for you to check out all the other ones. I cover SO many topics. We’re also on Spotify, Apple, etc.

4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

I turned 60 this week! Felt like (was) the completion of a whole decade. And a new lease on life, for the Future.

I’m looking forward (this Saturday) to the 10th – of 18 days of selling – here in Tucson. It got off to a running start, but slowed down significantly during the week. Looking forward to some bigger Sales this and next weekend.

US and world politics are proceeding with their bad selves – some glimmers of hope peeking through – thinking outside the box (and true allyship) will help engender hope for the future.

Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

Connect with us!


TEXT / WhatsApp
(617) 771-5119

Social Media

Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

Crystal Videos: Tucson Show setup, last pre-show discoveries

THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

Video #1 shows you how I set up at the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St while Video #2 is another early foray into one of the many warehouse shows. And lastly, some Perspective fleshing out my personal experience!

Email with any questions.

>> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

1. My Tucson Gem Show Setup: ready for opening

Before-and-after, at least 24 hours of setup (thanks to my son Kobi for coming and helping me), we’re ready for the 2025 Tucson Gem Show at 22nd Street. Have a look at what we have in store for the tens of thousands of visitors that have already begun streaming in for this 18 day show: Jan. 30 thru Feb. 16. Display pieces; pendants & bracelets; Sugilite & Moldavite; as well as carvings.

This is Podcast #12, HERE is my YouTube PODCAST playlist, for you to check out all the other ones. I cover SO many topics. We’re also on Spotify, Apple, etc.

2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

Crystal Concentrics Events

Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

  • Sunday, 2/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)  
  • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

  • Tuesday, 2/25 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
  • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
  • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
    (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

    • Tucson Gem Show (22nd St.) Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO

    In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

    3. Last pre-show discoveries: cool Calcite, Selenite, and more

    I love recognizing the style and selection of vendors I’ve followed for years. Tucson is an annual check-in with many moments of discovery and rediscovery. Even familiar material feels new and fresh and oh-so abundant. What you’re looking at here is another warehouse showroom, the type I shopped in advance of setting myself up at one of the biggest shows in town. Already I’ve sold some of the items I picked up before load-in. It’s a great cycle of sharing awesome minerals with the general public. Email with interest.

    4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

    My much-anticipated appearance in Tucson on ON – Thursday was opening day – and I have 16 more 8-hour days ahead of me.

    I’m cautiously optimistic about how things will go from here on it – people are responding well to my offerings – and there’s a pleasure (as a seller) unique to Tucson, of serving people who get it, know what they’re looking at, and aren’t afraid to spend money on whatever it is they want.

    I’m grateful for the release of hostages to Israel – it’s been a bit of a background story – given my 12 hour work days. May the rest – and the deceased – be liberated soon. The new US administration is both a blessing(?) and a curse, in a reverse way, than the previous administration was…it’s weird…and concerning.

    Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

    5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

    Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

    Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

    Portal Crystal Gallery
    489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
    Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

    Connect with us!


    TEXT / WhatsApp
    (617) 771-5119

    Social Media

    Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

    Crystal Videos: Tucson Preview Podcast, first Gem Show video

    THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

    Video #1 in one of my latest Podcasts, I explain my process and plan, for the Tucson Gem Show on 22nd St. Video #2 a new discovery, first video onsite in Tucson. And then Perspective (I have one)!

    Email with any questions.

    >> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

    1. My Tucson Gem Show Experience: a preview on all aspects

    Captured in the lull before his 2025 Tucson Gem Show at 22nd Street appearance – Kyle explains what goes into this monumental undertaking – and what he ended up selecting to bring with him to make a statement at the internationally renowned gemological convention(s).

    This is Podcast #12, HERE is my YouTube PODCAST playlist, for you to check out all the other ones. I cover SO many topics. We’re also on Spotify, Apple, etc.

    2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

    Crystal Concentrics Events

    Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

    ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

    • Sunday, 2/23 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)  
    • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

    Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

    IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

    • Tuesday, 2/25 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
    • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
    • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
      (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

    PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

      • Tucson Gem Show (22nd St.) Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO

      In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

      3. Rediscovering Atomic Amethyst: a rare and fabulous type

      I’d seen these once (still have a few) – but it’s nice to ‘discover’ more – from Pune, India. The coating seems to be Calcite and Druzy Quartz. I’d heard it called Atlas Amethyst, but this makes sense too, given how the cross sections look (particularly as they feature a rim of that unusual surfacing. Email with interest.

      4. Perspective (some thoughts on life and the world)

      I’m in Tucson – my pallets have arrived – so “all is well with the world.” At least as far as me and my venture here are concerned. Yes, there’s plenty of work of work ahead of me.

      There’s no guarantee the money will come in commensurately with my need for it. But I am in my element, and I love it. Still – I hate to be away from family for so long – I’m not sure how I want to handle that going forward.

      I’m blessed this year to have spent as many years married as not, and it’s an interesting tipping point. My daughter tells me: YOLO, you only live once. And wouldn’t it be best to spend as much time as feasible with your loved ones.

      That’s why the ongoing hostage crisis is so torturous – mostly for the abductees, for course – but for all the pain and suffering (on both sides) which has resulted from that depraved act of terrorism that was October 7th.

      Such a great misguidance of effort, attention, and resources. If only we could live and let live – which was the plan in 1948, and dating back to the first dispersion – but no: hatred and antisemitic terrorism are too irresistable to young people, faculty, parents and whole countries. We ALL have to speak up – and say NOT – not gonna be silent and sit this one out.

      Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

      5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

      Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

      Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

      Portal Crystal Gallery
      489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
      Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

      Connect with us!


      TEXT / WhatsApp
      (617) 771-5119

      Social Media

      Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

      Crystal Videos: Podcasts, Meditation, Obsidian

      THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

      Video #1 is the latest in my new series of Podcasts, this one on the What & Why of my Crystal Meditations. Our online Meditation is THIS Sunday Jan. 19, with our in person Meditation comes Tuesday, Jan. 21. After that, it’s all about Tucson. Video #2 turns you on to 2 types of Obsidian. And then there’s some Social Commentary, which I’m renaming again, to be Perspective (a deeper dive into where my head is at).

      Email with any questions.

      >> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

      1. What’s up with our Meditations anyway: an exploration

      This Podcast is an embellished restatement of some earlier programming – previous invitations – designed to explain in detail what happens during both my online & in person Meditations. My hope is to entice more folks to enjoy both.

      See our upcoming events HERE – our online Meditation for January will be the 19th – and our in person Meditation will be the 21st.

      2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

      Crystal Concentrics Events

      Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

      ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

      • Sunday, 1/19 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)  
      • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

      Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

      IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

      • Saturday, 1/21 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
      • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
      • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
        (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

      PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

        • Tucson Gem Show (22nd St.) Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO

        In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

        3. new type of Obsidian: Camo (my name) stands out

        Obsidian comes in several varieties. Here we compare 2 of them: Sheen Obsidian (“Light in the Darkness”) with a type of Rainbow Obsidian I have named “Camo” because it’s got pattern that shows automatically, whatever the lighting situation may be. Most Rainbow Obsidiana show their color ONLY when bright light is shone on them. Anyhow, these are examples of the type of outstanding pendants we carry. Email with interest.

        4. Social Commentary will now be called Perspective

        The year’s only just begun, and I’m exhausted. Yes, I work really hard in my life. As an entrepreneur, our work is never done. So it’s hard to find time for leisure or study, religion is barely pursued as survival comes first.

        It’s work for me produce these newsletters – and all the free content I put out – so it’s hard when folks don’t come on board with these meditations I lead. Or question their “value” (ie. money vs. time spent). That’s why I made Video #1 in this update, to further explain (or justify?) what I do (and its worth).

        Anyhow, like any serial solo-preneur, I make my own rewards. Sales fall off a cliff after Christmas and we have to carry on. Our value is not determined by our register tally. Being able to open a channel to the Eternal and the Divine is something I look forward to every month. That’s my main motivation for doing it.

        And then there’s Tucson – like going to Crystal Heaven annually – so I’m grateful for that. This might be my last time selling there. I don’t relish time away from my family, some really good relationships to be in. Survival. Continuity. Connection.

        Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

        5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

        Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

        Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

        Portal Crystal Gallery
        489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
        Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

        Connect with us!


        TEXT / WhatsApp
        (617) 771-5119

        Social Media

        Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

        Crystal Videos: Meditation Crystals, Awesome Pendants, Social Commentary

        THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics

        Video #1 introduces you to Meditation Crystals – and speaking of which – our online Meditation is Jan. 19, with in person Meditation following, on Jan. 21. Video #2 is a Happy Customer video about a Fordite pendant purchased, they like ’em awesome in NYC. My Poli-Corner is now: Social Commentary.

        Email with any questions.

        >> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

        1. The Crystals we weave: a tapestry created for Meditation

        In this video, I muse that the sun’s hitting these various stones in a way that makes them look like a colorful Stonehenge. You’ll have to attend one of our in person or online Meditations to experience how I weave the various crystals selected into a coherent Guided Journey experience.

        Present were TOPAZ – already removed from the video tableau; PINK MANGANO CALCITE and RHODOCHROSITE for Body Healing & Revitalization. Then we came up some with Heart-Healing PINK OCTAHEDRAL FLUORITE; before rising into The Mind with AQUAMARINE and healing it (the mind) with LITHIUM QUARTZ. Finished with a LAVENDER CHALCEDONY for Healing and RED JASPER for Balance and Equilibrium.

        See our upcoming events HERE – our online Meditation for January will be the 19th – and our in person Meditation will be the 21st.

        2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

        Crystal Concentrics Events

        Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

        ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

        • Sunday, 1/19 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)  
        • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

        Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

        IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

        • Saturday, 1/21 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
        • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
        • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
          (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

        PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

          • Tucson Gem Show (22nd St.) Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO

          In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

          3. best FORDITE ever: NYC knows how to pick ’em

          First video I’ve put out in awhile. The Holidays. TikTok changed their captions processing, and I couldn’t see/forgot where/how to put the Headline in. Annoying. Oh, and because of their new captions system – I clicked back – and it erased them. So I had to start fresh, and there’s a typo! Which I never allow.

          ANYHOW – none of that’s actually relevant to the CONTENT of the video – which is most important. FORDITE is an industry name given to automobile factory paint drippings – which build up in layers, based on the different colors the cars have been painted – and are then cut into cabochons for jewelry. The raw material and the artful talents of the jeweler produce an infinite variety of finished product. This was one of the best ones I’ve every seen – in terms of harmonious color and pattern spread – cut perfectly, and custom set in a pendant that appealed to this NYC buyer. I love NYC shoppers – ’cause even though they can be annoying in their own way – they’re worldly and educated, appreciate quality, and aren’t afraid to don larger / awesome big pendants.

          4. Politi-Corner is now Social Commentary

          As a well-rounded person – I necessarily have opinions about what’s going on in the world – which I’ll be sharing here. It’s Social Commentary – generally – rather than Political banter, per se. And I have a perspective – an angle – that I view the world from.

          It’s supposed to be a Happy New Year, and yet we just had a mass casualty (terrorist!) event in New Orleans.

          In just over a week, Trump will be inaugurated again, however you feel about THAT!

          And those wildfires in California – are they being started (some of them) intentionally – by terrorists (again) – and what’s with the conspiracy theories making preposterous an inappropriate assumptions about who’s responsible?!

          Certainly Climate Change is a thing, we saw a looong “India Summer” this Fall in New England, but now it’s been frigid. Believe me, I know, I was out in it 4 hours finalizing the prep of my pallets, which are now en route to Tucson (where I’m headed in 11 days).

          Everything’s going on all at once – our personal, professional, and societal life – wish us luck!

          Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

          5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

          Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

          Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

          Portal Crystal Gallery
          489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
          Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

          Connect with us!


          TEXT / WhatsApp
          (617) 771-5119

          Social Media

          Crystal Videos: NYC Expo, Sugilite, Diamond-tough

          Crystal Videos: Awesome Shopper Award, Pink Fluorite, PolitiCorner

          THE LATEST: from KYLE of Crystal Concentrics
          Video #1 is a case study in awesome Gift Giving!
          Video #2 is a spotlight video on the variety: Pink Fluorite.
          AND, scroll down for a Political Bonus post.

          Email with any questions.

          >> scroll down for our EVENTS & upcoming SHOWS alert <<

          1. Awesome Gift Buying Award: a perfect buy & role model

          The Awesome Uncle Award I called it – this innovative gift purchase last week was a perfect collaboration between me and a customer – which will hopefully serve as inspiration for future buyers. Our friend picked a unique (certainly not common to find) Fossil Fish Pod and paired it for his niece with a fine Campo del Cielo Meteorite pendant/necklace. Always a good idea to get something you can wear AND something you can put into your collection. Visit the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA or write/visit us online:

          2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom

          Crystal Concentrics Events

          Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time

          ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay)

          • Sunday, 1/19 (7pm) Online Crystal Meditation with Kyle (Reply with interest, ’cause the event link’s having trouble with the signup)  
          • YOU shopping at our online store could happen anytime (night or day)

          Please be in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to include you!

          IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)

          • Saturday, 1/21 (7-9pm) In-Person Crystal Meditation w Kyle 
          • 2025 Readings w Cheryl Bradley to be scheduled soon…
          • SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4 pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
            (early THIS Saturday & Sunday, at 10am & 11am)

          PLUS, I’ll be selling at the following shows:

            • Tucson Gem Show (22nd St.) Jan. 30-Feb. 16, 2025 INFO

            In the meantime, any day – our Portal Crystal Gallery is open 7 days a week – in Arlington Center, MA at 489 Mass. Ave. from 1-4pm (starting at noon on Saturdays)

            3. Crystal Variety Spotlight: pink octahedral Fluorite cluster

            The morning after an online Meditation, I was handling this piece in the early day’s sunlight, and was struck by its majestic aesthetic quality: a mountain range of pink pyramids from China (not to be confused with the Mexican variety). I didn’t have time to mention in the video – but Pink Fluorite is about Heart Healing – which is a good thing.

            4. Politi-Corner

            I rarely chime in outside my key professional focus on crystals, but these times call for it. We can’t compartmentalize our lives so thoroughly that we lose sight of some of the bigger (and toxic) dynamics at work in dismantling what order we enjoy in our civilization. So this section will be devoted to exploring some of my favorite topics in this realm beyond gems!

            In 10 hours last night, I was able to garner more Comments than even Likes. This has been a sporadic foray on my part, into expressing some of my non-crystalline philosophies – of which I have many – because, as mentioned above, it’s time.

            Some people asked “which conspiracy theories” – as if to withold judgement – on the chance that they shared some of those same beliefs (antithetically to mine). Others simply prioritized my wellbeing and option to close the door on friendships that had ceased to be based on kindness, compassion, logic or facts.

            In a cowardly new world of moral relativism, it’s easy for people to take on poorly thought through prejudices, and virtue signal their moral superiority without consideration of the cost and expense of their views on others.

            Follow me on Facebook – scroll down to see the F icon – to join the fun…

            5. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book…

            Crystal Energy by Kyle Russell

            Remember – while we do keep adding new items online – most of our product is OFFline. So it’s best to email to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.

            Portal Crystal Gallery
            489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
            Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays

            Connect with us!


            TEXT / WhatsApp
            (617) 771-5119

            Social Media