When many points (or terminations) are taken together, in a cluster formation, they take on a different energy than when separated. Together, they emanate (upwards) a spiritually cleansing “mist,” ideal for clearing items, a room, or anything above (and often around) them.
Amethyst clusters differently, in different parts of the world – Brazil is where they most commonly come from – though Uruguay has been producing a lot of smaller & darker crystal’ed clusters in recent years. India has Amethyst, as does the U.S. (though American – and Tibetan – Amethyst is often of the Elestial Smoky variety). Madagascar has wonderfully colored material, from off the southwestern coast of Africa.
Email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com with interest in these or other Crystals, whether it’s more you’d like to learn, or whether you’re interested in purchasing them.
Amethyst (deep purple & points)
Representing Spiritual Mission – Amethyst is among the most regal of Crystals – inspiring us to fulfill our own highest purpose. This energy is found in what I call the “perfect purple” of a gem quality cut/polished piece or point. That purple is dark, translucent, and uniform.
Often points have lighter, white or milky “roots” or bases, which brings in that softer, nurturing energy of Milky Quartz.
Email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com with interest in these or other Crystals, whether it’s more you’d like to learn, or whether you’re interested in purchasing them.