Rhodochrosite is one of my favorite Root Chakra stones – it represents Cellular Vitality and Regeneration – visibly looking like healthy flesh/tissue. The more vibrant it appears, the more energetic “umph” it has, though beyond it’s classically rich red color (as you can see in the featured specimen) it can get to a transparent (even redder) transparent gel color (which is wonderful, from Peru, but not necessarily more powerful). Ultimately, Rhodochrosite is used as a Healing Stone, specifically for and from the Root, and is “designed” to help us restore physical functionality, as much as is possible.
As it gets lighter (there’s another, lesser variety from Peru) – or in the case of the completely different stone: Rhodonite – it’s like Rhodochrosite “Lite” (much cheaper, but also less potent).
Notice the “botryoidal” (or bubbly) formation, you’ll also see curvaceous layering. White and black are often visible, as well as (sometimes) brown, which is Aragonite (and very nice energetically, quite soft, as well).
Rhodochrosite often forms in concentric stalactites that are cut into sections. It presents well with a polished or matt finish, and is even shellac’d sometimes (which I don’t care for, that tends to mask or cover up its energy flow).
I specialize in Rhodochrosite – have a huge supply of exceptional specimens – and would be happy to send you some images, as we do mail order. Write me: Kyle@PortalCrystalGallery.com, or visit our storefront, all info at PortalCrystalGallery.com. We also have a few pieces up on our For Sale items site: www.PowerStoneCrystals.com.