Tumbled Moldavite is actually not common, so to have a collection of drilled pieces in a bracelet, that could be sold off individually for jewelry making – something of value. Unlike with metal-set Moldavite jewelry, the end gram weight is almost entirely the actual stone weight. We cannot guarantee the longevity of the stretchie bands used to string these beads, they generally have a life span, that is shortened with intensive use. Widest bead is X long, smallest bead is X long. Width listed in dimensions is an approximate internal diameter from the start of one bead on one side to the start of the other, on the other side. Buy now before the prices go up, or we dismantle it to create additional clasp bracelets or one off bead sales. Moldavite is the Alien Messenger Stone, a composite of Earth and Space materials resulting from a meteoric impact 15 million years ago. Length: 4.6cm; Width: 4.5cm Weight: 30.4g (1.07oz) Origin: Europe (Czech Republic)
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